25 September 2021 | Breeding Management
When a mare arrives on your property, you often need to enter the mare's breeding history. This is particularly important if the mare is in foal, as you will require a booking for the mare (last season) in order for a Foaling Task to be created on the Foal Due Date.
Rather than adding booking(s) for the previous season(s) and going through all the breeding tasks in sequence to correctly reflect the mare's breeding history, you can now Add Breeding History in one quick step.
On the mare profile > breeding screen, locate the Add Breeding History button in the top right hand corner of the screen.
In the Add Breeding History pop-up window, you can proceed to enter the mare's breeding history. Specifically, enter:
- Cover Season
- Stallion Type (Standing Stallion or Outside Stallion)
- Stallion
- Service Date (or Due Date if you only know the Due Date of an in-foal mare)
- Latest Status: 'Mare Served' / 'Missed' / 'Slipped' / 'Scan1 +ve' / 'Scan2 +ve' / 'Scan 3 +ve' / 'Mare Foaled'
- Foal Date and Comments (only enabled if mare's latest status is 'Mare Foaled')
A Booking is added for the season and Stallion entered, and various breeding tasks may be created depending on the mare's status.
Mare Status
| What happens when the Booking is created?
Mare Served | - Service task created and completed, with Planned Date & Actual Dates = Service Date entered
- Scan 1 task is created and in Pending status with Planned Date = ‘Service date' +15 days
- The mare's status displays as 'Mare Served'
Missed | - Service task created and completed, with Planned Date & Actual Dates = Service Date entered
- The Booking has been aborted
- The mare's status displays as 'Missed'
Slipped | - Service task created and completed, with Planned Date & Actual Dates = Service Date entered
- The Booking has been aborted
- The mare's status displays as 'Slipped'
Scan 1 +ve | - Service task created and completed, with Planned Date & Actual Date = Service Date entered
- Scan 1 task is created and in Completed status with Planned & Actual Dates = ‘Service date' +15 days
- Scan 2 task is created and in Pending status with Planned Date = ‘Service date' +30 days
- The mare's status is displayed as 'Scan 1 =ve'
Scan 2 +ve | - Service task created and completed, with Planned Date & Actual Date = Service Date entered
- Scan 2 task is created and in Completed status with Planned & Actual Dates = ‘Service date' +30 days
- Scan 3 task is created and in Pending status with Planned Date = ‘Service date' +45 days
- The mare's status is displayed as 'Scan 2 +ve'
Scan 3 +ve | - Service task created and completed, with Planned Date & Actual Date = Service Date entered
- Scan 3 task is created and in Completed status with Planned & Actual Dates = ‘Service date' +45 days
- Foaling task is created and in Pending status with Planned Date = 'Service date' + 340 days, but only if 'Add Pending Foaling task' tick box is selected.
- The mare's status is displayed as 'Scan 3+ve'
Mare Foaled | - Service task created and completed, with Planned Date & Actual Date = Service Date entered
- Foaling task is created and in completed status with Planned & Actual Dates = Foal Date entered and Note = Comments entered (if any)
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