Advertise job vacancies and attract applicants in minutes, then manage applications

Advertise job vacancies and attract applicants in minutes, then manage applications

25 August 2021 | Wrkplace Recruitment

As an employer, you can now add job adverts for any position you have entered into Wrkplace. This job advert can be shared publicly on your website, social media, email, text message or job board. 

Go to WrkplaceRecruitment > Jobs, then click the Add Job button. You must have the Position already created in Configure > Positions.

Upon completing the relevant fields and clicking Submit, Wrkplace automatically generates a Job Advert inclusive of an Application Form

View the Job Advert, then copy the URL to share on your website, social media, email, text message or job board.

Applicants wishing to apply for your job available can apply online via the application form on this Job advert. 

All Applicants will appear in Wrkplace. You will also receive an email alert.
IMPORTANT: Please email to confirm the email address you would like these new applicant notifications to be sent to.
You can then review applications, rate applicants, and manage the stage of each application: New > Review > Interview > Shortlist > References > Offer or Unsuccessful. 

Watch this 2m 30s video tutorial.

In our next release in mid September, you will be able to Email or SMS an Applicant or multiple Applicants, record Notes against each Applicant, and automate email notifications to each Applicant. 

We cannot wait to release automated Letters of Offer and Onboarding in early October.

Click here learn more about Wrkplace and how to easily utilise this module within your Prism portal. Or email A free trial is available for all Prism subscribers, and we can get you up and running within an hour.

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