Overview of Breeding Tasks

Overview of Breeding Tasks

The following tasks are defined as Breeding Tasks in the system, separate from Procedures and General (Farrier/Dentist) tasks. 


Some of these tasks are automated, some are semi-automated via a pop-up window upon completion of certain tasks, and some tasks need to be manually created.

Breeding Task
How Created
When Created
Prostaglandin (PG) administration
Via Mare Profile or Breeding Worksheet
Uterine and Clitoral Swabs
Via Mare Profile or Breeding Worksheet
When a Cover Date is added / edited in a Booking as per section 5.1 and section 5.2
Ovulation Scans
Semi-Automated via Pop-Up
Upon completing a Service Task (or a Cross Cover) and recording the mare as being Served (not Cancelled)
Cross Covers
Semi-Automated via Pop-Up
Upon completing an Ovulation Scan task and recording the mare as Not Ovulating
Repeat Services (by the same Stallion)
Via Mare Profile or Breeding Worksheet
Early Pregnancy Scan 
(Scan 1 @ 15 days)
Upon completion of a Service or Cross Cover and choosing not to schedule an Ovulation Scan.
Upon completing an Ovulation Scan task and recording the mare as Ovulating. 
Mid Pregnancy Scan 
(Scan 2 @ 30 days)
Upon completion of Early Scan (Scan 1) and record the result as Positive
Late Pregnancy Scan 
(Scan 3 @ 45 days)
Upon completion of Mid Scan (Scan 2) and record the result as Positive
Upon completion of Late Scan (Scan 3) and record the result as Positive
Reproductive Examination tasks
Via Mare Profile or Breeding Worksheet
Foal Heat Scans 
(post foaling)
Semi-Automated via Pop-Up
Upon completion of a Foaling task
Other custom breeding tasks
Via Mare Profile or Breeding Worksheet

These Breeding Tasks can be managed via one of two screens:
  1. Mare Profile > Breeding tab (see How to manage breeding tasks via Mare Profile); or
  2. Schedule > Breeding Worksheet (see How to manage breeding tasks via Breeding Worksheet).
Watch this short video for an overview.


Transactions (fees) can be automatically created upon completion of the following breeding tasks:
  1. Uterine and Clitoral Swabs;
  2. PG;
  3. Ovulation Scan;
  4. Re-Examine;
  5. Early / Mid / Late Scans (Scans 1/2/3)
  6. Foaling;
  7. Foal Heat Scan.
To setup and maintain these automatic fees, go to Finance > Rules > Breeding.

Importantly, you must ensure the SUPPLIER field is set to ALL SUPPLIERS.

You have the option to apply these fees for All Mares, or only selected Mares (suitable if some Mares are charged an all-inclusive breeding contract rate for the season).

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