[New Report] Breeding | Stock Count and Broodmare Stats are now available

[New Report] Breeding | Stock Count and Broodmare Stats are now available

Release Date: 4 November 2020

You can now run two new reports to display the following:
  1. Broodmare Stats - a count of all broodmares - by last status and by month - over a 12 month period from a selected month
  2. Stock Count - a count of all horses - by horse type by category and by week - over a 12 week period from a selected date
Navigate to Reports > Stock Count to access both reports.

Run the Broodmare Stats report via Reports > Stock Count > Broodmare Stats.

The Report will list out number of Mares by Service Status, as recorded on the first date of each month.

The start date of the report defaults to 12 months ago, and the report displays 12 months of data.

You can modify the From and To months as desired.

For example, consider a m are served on 15 Aug 2020, with:
  1. Scan 1 Positive recorded on 30 Aug 2020;
  2. Scan 2 Positive recorded on 15 Sep 2020; and
  3. Scan 3 Positive 30 Sep 2020.

The Mare will be counted as Scan 1 Positive on 1 Sep 2020 and counted as Scan 3 Positive on 1 Oct 2020.

You can include ‘Archived Horse’ in the Report by ticking on the checkbox.

You can export the Report as a CSV file or a PDF report.

Note: We will add a filter by Location feature soon.

Run the  Stock Count report via Reports > Stock Count > Stock Count.

The Report will list out number of horses - by Horse Type and Category - as recorded on Sunday of each week.

The start date of the report defaults to 12 weeks ago, and the report displays 12 weeks of data.

You can modify the From date as desired.

You can filter the report by Location, and optionally include  ‘Archived Horses’ in the Report by ticking on the checkbox.

You can export the Report as a CSV file or a PDF report.