How to perform bulk Location & Status, Barn/Paddock, Horse Type and Horse Category updates

How to perform bulk Location & Status, Barn/Paddock, Horse Type and Horse Category updates

Rather than updating each horse individually, you can update the following information for multiple horses in bulk.
  1. Location & Status
  2. Barn / Paddock
  3. Horse type (Breeding users only)
  4. Horse category (Breeding users only)
  5. Weanlings (Breeding users only)

To access this new feature, click on your Avatar image in the top right-hand corner of your screen, then select Bulk Data Update.

You can then select one of two choices....

... or one of four choices if you are using the Breeding module.

The most common use of this new feature is likely to be updating horse location and/or status for multiple horses (if not using Prism Transport Tasks).


  1. Change the Effective Date in the top left hand corner of the window, if updating location/status for previous days;
  2. Filter for horses in specific location(s) or status(es);
  3. Select individual horse(s) in the far-left hand column, or select all horses then optionally de-select horse or horses;
  4. Specify the Location and/or Status that the horse(s) need to be moved into, or set the same Location and/or Status for all selected horses selected by clicking on the column heading 'Location' and 'Status'.
  5. Run


  1. Filter for your desired Horse Location and (optionally) Ban/Paddock, Status or Horse Type.
  2. Then select one horse or multiple horses.
  3. Assign the new Barn/Paddock, either for each specific horse or click on the New Barn/Paddock column header to assign to all selected horses.
  4. Run

BULK UPDATE HORSE TYPES (Breeding users only)

This is ideal for updating:
  1. Foals (at Foot) to Weanlings in bulk, at the end of the day's weaning;
  2. Weanlings to Yearlings on August 1st each year;
  3. Yearlings to Racehorses/Spellers or other categories you use, on August 1st each year.
  4. Note: the age of each horse will automatically update on 1 August each year, but the Horse Type (if you use that field) will not.


This is ideal for updating:
  1. Mares In Foal to Wet Mares (or other similar category names such as Mares with Foal), if they have foaled, at the end of the day's foaling;
  2. Wet Mares to Dry Mares, at the end of the day's weaning.

Please also review [Breeding] Bulk Update Foals to Weanlings if you are using the Breeding module.

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