[Reports] Add comments in Horse Task and Note Report

[Reports] Add comments in Horse Task and Note Report

Release Date: 18 February 2022 | General Management, Breeding Management
Subscribers to the Prism Stable & Farm Management and/or Breeding Management modules can now add comments on any horse Procedure, Task or Note, straight in the Horse Tasks & Notes Report.

Filter for a variety of horse procedures, tasks and notes in the improved Tasks and Notes report.

Navigate to Report > Tasks and Notes.
Apply relevant filters, then Search

Specifically, the following filter options have been improved in the Tasks and Notes report.
  1. Vaccinations and Drenches (ensure Procedures are identified as Vaccinations/Drenches in Master Config > Procedures)
  2. Dentist and Farrier tasks can now be individually filtered, rather than included in General tasks
  3. Vet, Temperature, Weight, Feed and Mare Notes can now be filtered
  4. Breeding tasks can now be filtered

Then add a comment on any Procedure, Task or Note as needed.

If you are yet to subscribe to the Prism Stable or Farm Management solution, contact Pete Whittaker in our Sales Team on 1300 774 764 or email sales@prism.horse to discuss how Prism can help you manage your stable or farm.

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