[Procedures] Customise Procedure Categories and assign Procedures to each Category

[Procedures] Customise Procedure Categories and assign Procedures to each Category

10 February 2022 | New Feature | Stable & Farm Management | Procedures

You can now maintain your own Procedure Categories and assign each Specific Procedure to a Category.

Previously, Procedure Categories were set based on original discussions and agreement with Principle Racing Authority Veterinarian teams. The intention was to ensure procedures were categorised consistently across stables and farms to aid reporting and veterinary records. But a national approach was never forthcoming, so we have now allowed you to customise each category to suit your operations.

1. Navigate to Master Config

2. Select Procedure screen configuration

3. Select Category label

4. Proceed to Add categories, Edit category names, or Delete categories.

You can only delete a category if there are no specific procedures assigned to that category.

5. Then select Specific label and (optionally) select a Procedure Category in the drop down list to display specific procedures in that category.

6. Proceed to select specific procedures (by ticking the tick box ) and Move them to Other Categories.

When adding a new Procedure, you can select the applicable category to display all procedures in that category. This may assist you team is finding and selecting the correct procedure.

Procedure Categories are optional. You may choose to leave all specific procedures in the 'custom' category and not group procedures into different categories. In some occasions, this can allow the selection of procedures quicker in the Add Procedure screen, as you can start typing to search for a procedure name. But in the case where you have hundreds of procedures, categorising can assist.