How to check owner specific email reports

How to check email status

You can view the status of each email sent to owners, via the Report Module > Email Log.

1. Select the Date Range
2. [Optional] Enter the Owner's Email Address in the Recipient box, or enter part of the Email Subject (e.g. a horse name)
3. [Optional} Search for specific email statuses
4. Click Search

Each sent email and the status of each email (Sent, Delivered, Bounced, Unsubscribed) appears in the report.

You can then print or export to CSV.

You can Forward the email to another email address, or Resend the email to the original recipient.

If you have an Owner with a Status of BOUNCED, you can try to Reactivate the Email Address. Please email for assistance in reactivating that owner if necessary.

If you have an Owner that claims they are not receiving emails however their Status is Delivered, it means that there may be an issue on the Owners Email Server and we will need to liaise with their IT Manager. Please email if this is the case and we will follow up.

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