1 June 2022 | Enhanced Feature | Breeding Management | Stallion Bookings
We have released an important update to Stallion Bookings to:
- provide more flexibility to breeding enterprises managing bookings to stallions, and
- improve the automation of stallion fee charges for stallion farms.
Whether you are a stallion farm managing bookings to your stallions, or a breeder or broodmare farm recording the stallions that each mare is booked to, you can now more clearly configure the different types of Stallion Fee Categories.
When logged as as your Prism account's Master User, navigate to Master Config.
Select the Stallion Fee Category screen.
Here, you can add new stallion fee categories as needed to reflect the various methods of you (as a stallion farm) charging your stallion fees, or how stallion farms charge you (as a breeder).
If you are a stallion farm, clearly identify which stallion fee categories are to result in a service fee to be charged. Other categories such as Shareholder Rights, Free Returns etc, do not result in a service fee being charged.
You can also rename any stallion fee category. One of the default categories, "Costs" can therefore be renamed to a more suitable category name.
For Stallion Farms charging service fees, you now have more flexibility and accuracy at how and when those services fees are automatically charged - if you choose to automate those fees.
Navigate to Finance > Rules > Service Fee.
When adding or editing a Service Fee Rule, you can now select an applicable Service Fee Category for each Stallion you stand, and specify when that service fee is automatically raised.
Previously, you could only specify when a service fee charge is automatically created, by Stallion. Not by Stallion and Stallion Fee Category.
Note that you can add multiple Service Fee Rules for each Stallion, one for each applicable Stallion Fee Category if required.
According to the Stallion AND Stallion Fee Category on each booking, the applicable Service Fee charge is created to applicable mare owner(s) when the applicable activity is completed (Service, Scan 1 Positive, Scan 2 Positive, Scan 3 Positive, Foaling).
We hope this allows Stallion Farms to automate more of there Stallion Fee charges based on the different Stallion Fee Categories configured.
Apply Stallion Service Fee Category to each Booking
In the Add Booking and Edit Booking screens, you now need to assign a Stallion Fee Category.
Applying the Stallion Fee Category to the booking, automatically defaults the Category for all mare owners. This prevents having to assign the category multiple times if a mare is owned by multiple owners.
You can adjust the category by owner if relevant. Theoretically one owner could be charged their portion of the service fee while other owners may be entitled to a breeding right or other fee category. Although, this is a rare requirement