Get started with breeding

Get started with breeding

The Breeding features within Prism enables Stallion and Broodmare farms to manage:
  1. Stallions and Broodmares as different horse types;
  2. Stallion service fees [Stallion Farms];
  3. Bookings to outside (off farm) Stallions;
  4. Bookings to Standing Stallions [Stallion Farms];
  5. Stallion service contracts, automatically populated and sent via eSignature [Stallion Farms];
  6. Broodmare reproductive examination, pregnancy scan and other breeding tasks, along with results;
  7. Breeding notifications to mare owners;
  8. Reporting requirements such as foal reports and Stallion returns;
  9. Some features in this instruction manual may relate only to Stallion Farms or only to Broodmare Farms and are indicated as such.
To jump straight to a section, click on any of the links below.

Get Started with the Breeding Module
  1. How to configure Horse Categories and Stallion Fee Categories
  2. How to add Broodmares
  3. How to add Stallions
Manage Stallions
  1. How to add and manage Stallion Bookings
  2. How to manage your Stallion Roster and schedule
  3. How to list your Stallion(s) on Breedr and receive Booking Requests
  4. How to create Stallion Contract templates for electronic signature
  5. How to send Stallion Contracts
  6. How to manage sent Stallion Contracts
  7. How to add Stallion Notes and review history
  8. How to invoice stallion service fees
  9. How to email the Managing Owner of one or more mares
  10. Stallion Reports
Manage Breeding Tasks and Notes
  1. Overview of Breeding Tasks
  2. How to manage breeding tasks via Mare Profile
  3. How to manage breeding tasks via Breeding Worksheet
  4. How to record Foaling and add the new FoalHow to record Weaning
  5. How to send Breeding Notifications to mare owners
  6. Breeding Reports

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