How to add a new procedure

How to add a Procedure

1. Click button, then Procedure

2. Select Horse (or multiple horses for bulk procedures) from drop down list

3. Due Date: choose the date and time for the horse to be administered its procedures

4. Assigned to: Select a staff member or vet who will administer the procedure. If you as the trainer will be administering the procedure, you can leave this unassigned. If the staff or vet are not listed in the drop down, click the + icon to add them to your list and assign
    1. Once assigned, this person will receive a notification advising them about the details of the task and place it in their task list for completion

    2. If you have a staff member on your Prism system, but they aren’t appearing in the drop-down list, then they may not have permission to view this procedure. Be sure to check they have the right permissions

5. Advise others: Enter the name or email of any other staff or stakeholders you wish to advise about this procedure. They will be advised but not assigned the task.

6. Location: The location will pre-populate based on the horse’s location in its profile page. If the location is wrong you can manually update this field, which will update all location fields for that horse in the Prism system

7. Comment: Add any specific comments about this horse or procedure. You, your staff or vet (with the right permission) can also add comments in here about the horse condition, follow up etc.

8. Procedure Description: Select the required procedure using Category / Specific / Amount / Unit / Method drop downs. Alternatively, you can select from your custom procedures list created using the configuration module and listed at the top under Custom

9. Click Create to upload the procedure and advise staff and vets

10. System will update the calendar, schedule, horse’s task history as well as the staff’s task list

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