How to add horses to an owners account

How to add horses to an owner's account

To add horses to an owner's account, follow the steps below:

1. Navigate to the specific owner under the 'Owner' tab 

2. Scroll down to the Horse Accessibility section

3. Click on Add Horse Access to bring up Horse Ownership pop up

3. Proceed to:
  1. select the date that the ownership of the horse is effective from. Billing of Day Rates and any other charges will commence the day after the date you enter in this screen;
  2. select the horse from Horse Name drop down;
  3. Add the % ownership in the +% box and click Add

4. then need to adjust any existing shareholding down using the +/- % columns to ensure the total ownership is 100%.

6. Click Save

7. Repeat until all horses are added for that owner

By default, Owners will receive an email notification when they have been added to the ownership of a horse. During implementation, discuss with our Customer Onboarding Team whether you wish for this email notification to remain enabled. At any time you may disable this email notification by contacting us at

For bulk owner uploads please email us at to arrange.

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