How to add Quick Invoices

How to add Quick Invoices

To benefit Trainers and Syndicators invoicing owners for share sales, we have implemented a "Quick Share Sale Invoices" feature, or "Quick Invoices" for short.


Go to Finance > Add Invoice > Quick Invoice

The Add Quick Invoice dialog allows you to raise an invoice or invoices to one or multiple Owners.

1. Set invoice date
2. Select horse being sold
3. Select the owner to be invoiced - if there are multiple finance accounts for the one owner, select the applicable finance account.
4. Enter the share % being sold
5. Specify whether or not you wish to enable the Pay Here button on the invoice:
  1. If You switch OFF, the Pay Here button will not show on Statement PDF. This can be important if you wish to not allow buyers to pay by credit card.
  2. If You switch ON,  the Pay Here button show on Statement PDF normally, allowing the recipient to pay by credit card
6. Add Invoice Line descriptions. Note that when you next create a Quick Invoice for the same horse, all of the Invoice Lines used the previous quick invoice will appear by default. So no need to enter them all again.
7. Set the Total Amount, upon which the share % will be applied to (e.g. $9,500 total for the horse, so a 10% share sale will equate to $950)
8. Set the receivable account and taxation rate and whether the amount to be invoiced is tax inclusive or exclusive
9. Click Apply button. All invoice lines will moved to the bottom half of the window, ready to be saved.

10. Repeat steps 2 - 9 for multiple Owners and/or Horses. This saves time processing quick invoices. If you choose to select additional horses, the following pop-up message will appear.

Select Yes to keep the same Invoice Lines of the previous horse.
Select No to recall the invoice lines of the previous quick invoice for this horse. 
11. Once all invoice lines for all owners and horses are applied and visible in the bottom half of the window, click Save button to finish. This will create the respective invoices for each owner.
12. After Quick Invoice(s) is created successfully, a message is shown.

Click Yes to open the Edit Horse Ownership window to allow you to quickly add the owner(s) to the horse. The name and share percentage of the new owner(s) will automatically populate, so you just need to reduce the share % of another owner (typically your stable's ownership %), accordingly to ensure the total % owned in the horse remains at 100%.


Some mistakes can occur when you create a Quick Invoice. You can easily edit the invoice,

1. Go to Finance Dashboard> Statement list
2. Click the edit (pencil) icon on any Quick Invoice, then the Edit Quick Invoice window displays


You can also delete Quick Invoices if necessary.

1. Go to Finance Dashboard> Statement list
2. Click the delete (trash) icon on any Quick Invoice.

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