How to configure your Organisation for Finance

How to configure your Organisation for Finance

This section allows you to configure relevant finance settings and content on your customer Statements.

To add or update information, click on your profile at the top right of the screen, then select Organisation Config.

Organisation Information

Specify your organisation information that will be shown on statements:
  1. Logo: user is able to upload logo to display in statements. Click on  icon in Photo box to open the browse dialog then select the desired photo to have as logo. Recommendation size is 150 x 100.
  2. Company: Stable name or the name of the company invoicing Owners
  3. ABN: ABN number of the Company
  4. Website: URL for stable/ organisation website 
  5. Email, Mobile, Phone, Fax: Contact details
  6. Street, Suburb, Postcode, State, Country: Address details of your organisation

Statement ID Settings

You have several options to specify your desired Statement ID format. Select the format that suits your business needs.
  1. Prefix: the prefix code to be added to the beginning of every Statement ID. This is optional.
  2. Statement ID format: select 1 of 4 pre-defined formats from the drop down:
    1. {#####}: An auto-generated number, this is the ID number of the statement. 
    2. {P}-{yyMM}-{#####}: The Prefix (if specified in the Prefix field) and the Year and Month (in yyMM format) are prefixed to the ID number.
    3. {P}-{yyyy}-{#####}: The Prefix (if specified in the Prefix field) and the Year (in yyyy format) are prefixed to the ID number.
    4. {P}-{yyyyMMdd}-{#####}: The Prefix (if specified in the Prefix field) and the Year, Month and Date (in yyyyMMdd format) are prefixed to the ID number.
  3. Or you can alter the Statement ID Format to suit your preferred format. For example, you may enter {yyyy}-{#####} to prefix the year in front of the ID number.
You can review the format of Statement ID before saving.

Prism ID

The system generates an ID for each account in Prism. This ID is used for ‘Import Invoice From Supplier’ function.

GST Registration

Select Yes or No depending on whether your organisation is registered as a GST company.

Other Statement Settings

Send email to Owner: Enable or disable the sending of Statements via email to your customers. Typically, this should be Enabled.
  1. Due Date: Specify the default Due Date settings for invoices
  2. Group by Category: to group line items of an invoices by category when they are being shown in the statements (Daily Charges, Procedure, Transport, Farrier, Dentist and Others)

Interest Settings

If you want to charge interest on overdue amounts, set this settings to ON
  1. Set up the Interest Rate
  2. Define when this interest rate starts to apply
  3. Set the Account and Tax Rate to take interest
Anytime you run Create Statement, the system will check your Aged Debtors and apply the interest rate defined if relevant. You can choose to ignore or modify during the Create Statements wizard.


You can upload files to include with the Statements that are sent to owners via email.
  1. Click on  in the Attachment section to browse the files on your computer then click Save/Choose.
  2. The thumbnail of the selected files are shown in the section. 
  3. Wait for the file to be uploaded completely.
You can later remove the files by clicking on the X button at top right of the thumbnails.


Payment Note

This is a free text field where you can add any additional payment notifications, including payment terms, payment instructions, links to T&C’s and any other advice.

Statement Email

This is where you can define a Statement email template including Subject and Email content to use when sending Statement to Owner.  

Statement Reminder Email

One of the best things you can do to encourage your clients to pay on time is to communicate with them regularly via overdue reminder emails.
This is where you can define a Statement Reminder Email template to use when sending a Statement Reminder to Owner.

Direct Debit Email

Together with our payment partner Thoroughbred Payments, we have made it even easier for you to invite your Owners to  authorise you to direct debit their credit card or bank account.
Define the default Direct Debit Request email to use when sending the request to Owners.

Invoice Email

This is where you can define an Email Template when sending a Single Invoices or Quick Invoices to Owners.


To view the look of the statement based on their settings, click the Preview button. 

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