How to merge newly added horses with the existing

How to merge newly added horses with the existing horse

Note that all horses trained in Australia that are registered with Racing Australia will automatically be added to your horse list once they come through from Racing Australia’s Daily Registration File. This is triggered by a Stable Return lodged with Racing Australia, assigning the horse to your stable.

Where you have added an unregistered horse within Prism (eg. an unnamed yearling) and the horse is then registered, Prism will identify the existing horse as matching to the newly named and registered horse. This matching is performed by Sire, Dam and Foal Date.

You will then be notified via app notifications and email, and offered the chance to merge the new named horse with the existing unnamed horse. You will also receive the message below on both the existing and the new horse. 

All historical data, owners, media, procedures, tasks, transport, work horse notes etc will be merged.
NOTE: Care is needed when entering the Sire, Dam and Foal Date of each horse to ensure this merge function works correctly, when an unnamed horse is finally named and registered. For example, if the foaled date does not match for the named and unnamed horse - the merge notification will not appear.

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