How to schedule Trackwork inline via Work Schedule
Trainers and Pre-Trainers can use the Trackwork feature if subscribed to the Prism Management module.
There are two ways to schedule Trackwork:
- Schedule Trackwork via the Add Anywhere button
- Schedule Trackwork Inline via the Work Schedule
This article shows how to schedule Trackwork inline via the Work Schedule
From the Schedule > Trackwork screen, you can add Work items anytime for the date you are working in.
This will display the Add Work Details screen.
From here you can:
- Select a Horse or multiple Horses. Selecting multiple horses will schedule the same piece of work for each horse on the specified date.
- Select a jockey / rider from the Assigned To field. Ensure all riders are setup as staff members first, or click the + icon to add a new rider to your list.
- Review the default Gear assigned to the horse (see How to assign default Work Gear to a horse). Remove or add preferred gear for this work from the existing list of gear, or add new gear to your master list by clicking the + button.
- Assign Pre-Work. Select any pre-work required from your customised drop down list or click + to add a new pre-work item.
- Assign Work. Select any main work required from your customised drop down list or click + to add a new work item.
- Assign Post-Work. Select any post-work required from your customised drop down list or click + to add a new post-work item.
- Assign Other Work. Select any other work required from your customised drop down list or click + to add a new post-work item.
- Add any specific Comments about this horse or work. You and your staff (with the right permission) can also add comments in here after the horse’s work including sectional times, issues or general advice.
- Advise others. Enter the name or email of any other staff or stakeholders you wish to advise about this work. They will be advised but not assigned the task.

Changing the Gear ssigned to the horse(s) for specific Work schedules, does not modify the default Work Gear on the horse profile. If you need to modify the default Work Gear, read How to assign default Work Gear to a horse.
Click the green tick action icon to schedule this work.
Prism will update the Work Schedule.
Work is also visible in each horse’s Work history as well as the rider's task list.
Work is also visible in Calendar and Lifetime views, providing a powerful overview of all work schedules.

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