How to send Breeding Notifications to mare owners

How to send Breeding Notifications to mare owners

You can notify Mare Owners of the following events:

1. Mare Service and result (served, cancelled)
2. Early (1st), Mid (2nd) and Late (3rd) Pregnancy Scan results (positive, negative)
3. Foaling 

But first, you will need to enable breeding notifications.


1. Login under your Prism portal's master account and navigate to Breeding Notifications via your Profile.

2. By default, all Breeding Notifications are disabled. You may choose to enable one, multiple or all portal Notifications and/or Email Notifications to owners.

3. Click on the Edit action icon next to the relevant Notification you wish to enable, to view and modify the default Email Body of the Notification. 

TIP: Include the {procedurelist} placeholder to allow you to attach selected procedures when notifying owners and display within the email. Or you may remove the {procedurelist} placeholder if you never want to include recent procedures into your notification.

You can also automatically include any one or more of the following:
  1. Last 12 months history of Vaccination procedures
  2. Last Farrier task
  3. Last Dentist task
  4. Horse Identification (brands etc)
  5. Last Service (cover) date (if the horse is a broodmare).

Simply tick the relevant information you would like to automatically include in the notification to mare owners.

4. Repeat for other notifications.


Upon completing or editing any of the breeding tasks / milestones, choose whether to notify the mare's owners, or not.

If you elect to notify owners, you can review / revise the draft email.

TIP: Include the {procedurelist} placeholder to allow you to attach selected procedures when notifying owners and display within the email. Or you may remove the {procedurelist} placeholder if you never want to include recent procedures into your notification.

Optionally attach recent procedures and/or media to the owner notification.

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