[Horse Notes] Trot Up and Blood Profile Notes now available in Lifetime View

[Horse Notes] Trot Up and Blood Profile Notes now available in Lifetime View

Release Date: 12 May 2023 | Stable and Farm Management

Both Trot Up and Blood Profile horse notes have been added to the Lifetime View.

In Lifetime View, select the options to display Blood Profile and / or Trot Up Note, via the check boxes at the bottom of the screen.

Blood Profile and Trot Up Horse Notes will then be visible, along with:
  1. all other Horse Note types (Temp, Weight, Scope, Race Plan, etc);
  2. Procedures;
  3. General Tasks;
  4. Transport Tasks;
  5. Breeding Tasks;
  6. Trackwork; and
  7. Race Nominations / Acceptances / Results and Breeding.

Lifetime View now provides a complete overview of all different activities and notes. For more information on how to use the Lifetime View in your operation, see How to View the Schedule via Lifetime View.

If you are yet to subscribe to the Prism Stable or Farm Management module, contact Pete Whittaker in our Sales Team on 1300 774 764 or email sales@prism.horse to discuss how Prism can help you manage your stable or farm.
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