Release Date: 12 April 2023 | Trackwork
Various new features and usability improvements have been released to the Prism Trackwork feature.
More easily link multiple horses
A Link button has been added to the Work Schedule, allowing you to select two or more horses via the tickbox, and link them all together (as a pair or a 'string') more easily.
More quickly unlink all horses
The new Unlink button allows you to more quickly unlink ALL horses currently linked.
More quickly unlink a single horse
Where three or more horses are currently linked to work together, the Unlink action icon now unlinks just the horse selected - not all the horses.
Optionally apply a default Work Rider for each horse
You can now default a Work Rider for every horse. When new trackwork tasks are created (or copied from previous days), the default work rider will be assigned.
You can assign a default work rider in two ways.
1. Via the Horse Profile
2. When editing a Work task and assigning a rider, select the checkbox "Set as default Work Rider for this horse".

When changing the default Work Rider for a horse, that rider will be assigned to all future Work tasks (from tomorrow), if they already exist.

When editing the Work Rider inline on the Work Schedule (as opposed to the Edit window), the Default Work Rider will NOT automatically update in the horse profile. Although we can enable this for you if you wish. Please email support@prism.horse if you wish for this to be enabled.
Improve display of Pre-Work, Work and Post-Work column
The Work task assigned is now displayed in bold, to help differentiate it from Pre-Work and Post-Work tasks.
If you are yet to subscribe to the Prism Stable Management solution, contact Pete Whittaker in our Sales Team on 1300 774 764 or email
sales@prism.horse to discuss how Prism can help you manage your stable operations.